Monday, May 21, 2012

Will Smith does what John Travolta should have done

Its been a while since i last updated on here,but the good news is i'm finally working on a project which i cant wait to show you guys! Now thats out of the way, i totally feel Will right here, honestly i would've drop kicked the dude in the lips for trying to bring that homo stuff to my doorstep, not that i have anything against 'The Gays' but don't be trying to grope a dude man! And all this stuff about Will assaulting the dude is just BS, in my opinion, Will was assaulted, sexually... i might add... and rightfully defended himself...i mean the dude has a wife and kids back at home watching this, and not to mention the number of die hard fans out there, so... 'The back hand tap' ( Slap seems a bit much after you watch the video) was a reconfirmation of will's blackness in my opinion. Look at it this way, if he didn't do something about it, the rest of the Gay community would probably consider Will Smith as one of em, which as you can imagine is another pile of Bull faeces considering whats happening with John Travolta. Im in support of the back hand movement against unwarranted male affection, anytime and every time. Will gets a thumbs from me in this one... Boom! i said it...

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